Yahoo Answers Service: Will the person who killed my cat in St Petersburg, Florida ever be found?

Yahoo Answers Service is one of the few compelling applications that Yahoo has these days. It seems to rank high in Google. Who knows, maybe someone knows the answer to this puzzle:

Will the person who killed my cat in St Petersburg, Florida ever be found?

In April 2008 my cat was beaten by some monster. She died the next day. We had witnesses and it had a lot of publicity in the media. I thought that the humanity of the people there meant that the killer would be quickly apprehended. My hopes were dashed. Was my faith in the people of St Petersburg, FL misplaced? The statute of limitations is approaching and it would be good to know that there is one honest person with a sense of justice in that city who is willing to stand up and identify the killer. He was a 6 feet tall skinny black man in late teens to early 20s, probably now mid 20s, and he had a dachshund on a leash with him. You can learn more at my web site

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